You don't need to spend hundreds, possibly even thousands of dollars to have a security camera setup installed in your home. Instead, you can make one yourself and let your poor old bank account take a break for once. Keep reading to learn how to make your own camera home security surveillance system in three simple steps.
Step 1 - You need to gather up the components required for your camera system. The basic parts are a webcam (yes, you can use the humble webcamera as a good, cheap alternative to an expensive purpose-built security camera) Also, you will need a laptop or desktop computer. Finally you need camera surveillance software (more on this later)
Step 2 - Install the webcamera in a position that gives a good view over the part of your house that you want to monitor with your security surveillance system. Next, connect it up to your computer/laptop (wireless webcameras work well in this situation as they give you a greater range in which to set up)
Step 3 - Use your camera surveillance software to monitor and maintain your new security system. Most modern software will allow you to record the live feed onto your hard drive (or an external hard drive) and then refresh it at regular intervals. Some software will even enable you monitor your camera's live feed from any computer in the world with Internet access, and even most mobile phones. Think of the peace of mind this will grant you- every time you go away it's like you have an extra set of eyes in your home.
With the right surveillance software you can check your camera feed from any computer or mobile phone in the world.
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