Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Home Video Security Systems

Home video security systems can be bought in either a kit as an out-of-the-box designed system or a custom designed system to fit your household needs. Both options provide their own lists of pros and cons. The purpose of this article is to help you understand what the specific components are that go into making up a home video security system. There are basically six categories that make up a home video security customized solution.

The first category has to do with Digital Video Recorders. There are three things to look for when researching Digital Video Recorders:
1-Brand name-We suggest that go with brand names that are prominent in the electronics industry like Sony.
2-Memory-We suggest you try to get the most memory available within your budget.
3-Number of channels-The number of channels are how many cameras can be hooked up to the Digital Video Recorder. For example if the Digital Video Recorder specs say it's a four channel Digital Video Recorder then it may record up to four cameras.

The second category in choosing components for your home video security system is cameras. Here are a list of types of cameras:

Some of the main features are:
1-Image sensor manufacturer-Again here we suggest going with a name brand like Sony.
2-Lens size-The lens size will determine view angle and distance. If you desire a lens that does not have a fixed distance then look for a camera with a "varifocal lens".
3-Resolution-Resolution measures the cameras ability to reproduce an image. The higher the resolution, the better the picture quality.
4-IR/Infrared-These types of cameras are becoming increasingly popular and are especially important for outdoor surveillance systems. Again the main difference between IR cameras is the distance specs.

The third category for your home video security is the type of cabling you will need. Most out of the box systems will provide the cables you need, but what if you need longer cables or shorter ones? One of the many benefits of buying a custom system is that you can choose the cabling necessary to fit your specific home video security application.

The fourth category is the monitor. Remember these things when looking at monitors:
1-They are totally optional.
2-Most Digital Video Recorders will allow you to use any standard TV or computer monitor.
3-Switches will allow you to channel multiple cameras onto your monitor so you can split your screen and watch multiple cameras at the same time.
4-Again check your Digital Video Recorder specs.

Fifth, consider the types of accessories that you will need. The most common accessories are the following:
2-Wall mounts

And finally the sixth category for your home video security package is your power supply. Each type of camera you use will have its own power supply spec so make sure you check the camera specs. You don't want to run out of power when you need it the most.

Hopefully I have been able to break down all the various components for your home video security system into an easy to understand process. Now you will have to do the homework and do further research on each of the six categories. And remember to consult with an expert when needed.

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